So you want to know about my Ronaldo/Torres fantasy mentioned in yesterday's post.
Well, as we all know, Cristiano Ronaldo is a bit of a dude. Besides being a hugely talented footballer he is extremely good looking. A fact not only appreciated by girls.
Torres too is very beautiful.
Neither is my type to be honest, on the basis I like my men a bit more rugged and earthy, but I can see their attraction and would struggle to choose between them.
I am not usually prone to drifting off into the world of homoerotic fantasy. But for some reason last time I was watching Liverpool play, an image of Torres and Ronaldo making out came into my head.
I don't know whether they like girls or boys or both. There is a bit of me though would love to see one of them or some other really top, loved football star, come out. What a challenge that would be for the footballing world!
There is certainly not a history of accepting gay players in main stream football. How could that world turn their back on someone at the top of the game though?
I hope someone does have the courage one day. I think the time may well be right.
Oh Blimey dear !
Remember the Jackie Charlton clip on the Sporting Relief Video about football managers ?
All those suds !
I've always been partial to a bit of Torres/Gerrard action, myself but I suppose Cris/Torres wouldn't be so bad.
JVIP: You are just making me more excited.......
Anna: Welcome. Torres/Gerrard certainly has an appeal although I think I like the contrast between the dark and light. Mmmmmmm
Oh good grief, women. Calm yourselves down. Look, if it helps you concentrate on the washing up, put images of Rooney and Allardyce getting it on into your heads... Pretty much the female equivalent of asking a man to picture Thatcher and Mo Molan getting jiggy with it.
I feel sick now.
mosher: Why is it that boys always try to spoil girls games? :-)
I guess it's genetic. Mind there are some girls' games I'd gladly watch! But that's somewhat off-topic for your blog ;)
*wanders off to groupsofgirlscoveredinswarfegawithsextoys.com*
swarfega?! I worry about you mosher!
At least it's clean.
rooney/allardyce?! sacrilege!
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