By general consent The Arse was robbed last night.
It led to an interesting debate on Talk Sport this evening as I was driving home. One of the more informed debates I have to say. Fans of various teams ringing in and talking football properly, with passion for their team but a degree of objectivity too.
The discussion was about the top four and the sort of football they play.
Man U of course are simply on fire. They have great teamwork going on and whilst they have the odd hiccup it is hard not to view them as pretty amazing.
Chelsea, despite being up there, are not renowned for their beautiful football. And of course dear Avram (whom I heard described as a fat Larry Grayson today to me amusement) is getting some stick about his tactical abilities.
Then there is Liverpool, who in my view have some fine players (including the beautiful Torres. Which reminds me I must tell you sometime about my fantasy of what might happen if Torres and Renaldo ever got together...............................). They lack consistency however, and on a number of occasions now have, in my humble opinion, lacked shape and flair.
Finally of course there is The Arse. I know you would argue that results are what counts at the end of the day but I am a great believer that the means should justify the end. I would love to see them have a major success won through skills rather than simply power and brawn.
It's like someone said on Talk Sport. There is the beautiful football school of play. And there is the 'lump it, hump it and hope brigade'. Win or lose I know what I prefer.
Perfect. TBH I think most fans I know love good football. Kick run fight, so beloved of many a championship manager is creeping into the prem....because sometimes it works against teams who play "total football" Twas ever thus.
The trick is to combine LI HI AH with grace, passion, pace, timing and skill. I give you....Manchester United. A multi- dimensional football team this season.
I can't argue with that
"There is the beautiful football school of play. And there is the 'lump it, hump it and hope brigade'. Win or lose I know what I prefer"
And you still support Leicester? :-)
Sorry couldn't resist.
Ouch! We all have our dreams......
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