A whooping by Plymouth. 3 - 0! How awful is that.
I am not going to dwell though. Lets think about Patrick Kisnorbo instead. What do you mean who? Only the LCFC captain. Or at least he was today. He is Australian and indeed has played for his country. He plays in defence although can turn his hand, or probably his feet, to midfield.
He said after today's defeat that the team has to focus on their own game for the rest of the season. Which left me wondering whose game they have been watching until now. Maybe that is the problem. Maybe they have been watching another team that have been winning and thinking it was themselves. Only to wake up and realise that they are 5 points from the relegation zone. How shameful.
And there is Mr Kisnorbo. On the fringes of the Socceroos at one point according to one source. To come to this. Now there's a man who needs to put a bounce back in his step.
You're begining to sound like Rolfina Harris
Rolfina Harris??!!
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