Do you remember me telling you that my lover works with perpetrators of domestic violence?
Well recently he has been involved as an advisor to a film crew on the subject. You can view a trailer here.
Impressive huh? Scary too though.
Of course involvement in films is not what my lover is best known for (although he would probably add 'yet'!).
And given the soap opera that is football, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised that several former players have trodden a similar path.
There's dear, gentle Vinnie. Pele. Zidane. Even Shearer for goodness sake.
Still maybe we shouldn't be too surprised. There seem to a lot of footballers who fancy themselves as actors. Although the quality is somewhat variable.
You omitted Gary Lineker. Although you could argue that the Walker’s commercials are not acting. Did I ever tell you that he was two years below me at school?
Why pick out a few individuals.
Every foreign player in the Premier League is guilty of acting. Whether it be diving or feigning an injury to get someone sent off most of them are guilty.
The tragedy of this is the young kids on the local recs. are copying these so called "heroes".
Most of them are grossly overpaid. Last night I saw a pre-season friendly between Swindon Supermarine and Hayes/Ydedding.
Supermarine play in the British Gas South and Hayes in the Conference South. Would you believe some of the Hayes players were on £500 per week!
Half of them could not have managed a dozen "keepie uppies" if their live depended on it.
paul coombes: That's quite a good CTF. Mine is that I once shook Frank Bruno's hand. He's massive - I felt about 6 years old standing next to him
derek: Only the foreign players? Michael Owen and Steven Gerrard should surely figure in the count.
Child Trust Fund,
Citizens' Task Force,
Common Technical Framework, Computed Tomographic Fluoroscopy, Cow-Tipping Fun,
please put me out of my misery; what does CTF stand for?
Claim To Fame!
Paul coombes: Quid pro quo. What is cow tipping and have you tried it?
Claim to fame, obvious once you know.
As for Cow tipping it is what it says really. I first heard about it on the radio (Marcus Brigstocke I think on 'The Now Show' Friday 18.30 Radio 4). It dounds like fun though I have never done it. In fact if this article is to be believed, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/11/09/cow_tipping/, then it is not actually possible.
One of my other CTFs is that Alastair Campbell who was Mr Balir's Director of Communications and Strategy lived just round the corner from me and was the year above me at school. So, can you work out which school I used to go to?
Not only can I find out which school you went to but I also know your age.
I must say you are wearing awfully well which is more than can be said about alistair.
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