Fire brigade phones Kevin Keegan in the early hours of Sunday morning....
"Mr Keegan, St James' Park is on fire"
"The cups - save the cups" screams Keegan
"Don't worry sir - the fire hasn't spread to the canteen yet"
Q. What's the difference between Alex Ferguson and God?
A. God doesn't think he's Alex Ferguson
Q. What do you call a Chel$ea fan on the moon?
A. A problem
Q. What do you call 100 Chel$ea fans on the moon?
A. An even bigger problem
Q. What do you call all the Chel$ea fans on the moon?
A. Problem solved
Q Why do Leeds fans whistle on the toilet?
A. So they know which end to wipe
OK. OK. I'll stop.
It's been a slow news day.
Lets hope tomorrow is better for all our sakes!
The latest edict from the E.U. is that we must no longer use the expression "Spend a Penny"
It is to be superceded by I need to EURONATE.
The 'prawn sandwich eating brigade,' I hope. Be room for the 'real' fans!!!
derek: I feel far less embarassed about the quality of my jokes now.
areallaticfromthesouth: Oops! I meant to say all Chel$ea fans EXCEPT you of course!
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