I have been occupying myself with finding out about football songs. Being a bit of a musical girl I thought this might provide a much-needed connection.
I managed to find a most instructive website which had told me everything I need to know.
For example, we are told "A good football song ought to be simple and rhythmic" The lyrics must also be uncomplicated "as it really wouldn't do anyone any good if everyone had to stop halfway through the song to go and look up the words".
This seems very sensible to me. The site also explains the historical origins of some of the more well known songs. Unfortunately I cannot repeat most of them here as they have rude words in. One song which tries to establish who ate all the pies which starts "Who ate all the pies, who ate all the pies"apparently refers to the tradition of eating meat pies at football matches.
Not sure where that leaves a veggie girl like me.
There are also actions which more experienced football fans do to accompany their singing once they have mastered the words. Such as rhythmic clapping, foot stamping, pointing and mock bowing.
As already explained there are rather a lot of swear words in these songs. If you want to read some of the songs Leicester City fans sing look here. If you can't be bothered, here is an example of the sort of horrible song fans of The Foxes might sing to one of their rivals, Nottingham Forest (if you are of a sensitive disposition you might want to switch off now):
In your Forest slums,
In your Forest slums,
Your mum's on the game and your dad's in the nick,
You can't get a job 'cause your so f*****g thick,
In your Forest slums.
In your Forest slums
You look in the dustbin for something to eat
You find a dead dog and you think it's a treat
There's p**s on the pavements and s**t in the street
In your Forest slums
Like I said, not very nice. Not big and not clever.
A bit funny though.
And one final thing about football singing before I go. You are supposed to sing as much if not more when you are losing. For support to the players and to show you are hard and don't care.
So, sing when your losing girls - not just when you are winning.
I'm told that when Wolves went down 6:1 to Southampton at the weekend the fans sang "we're gonna beat you 7:6"
Diehard support is the thing. My royals arn't so good at this. The best team to do this is Portsmouth whoose fans are completely, madly dedicated to the cause.
Wise words anonymous
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